Sunday, March 8, 2009

startin d blog wif d red one!~

yeay d 1st entry of d freshie! okeng...1st of ol..aku nk gtaw..ini ialah purse aku or shud i call it a clutch or wat? so dis hot sizzlin red purse (i prefer 2 call it purse) ni aku mmg syg gler although it is not branded n it is totally cheap la mates which r ida n ayu oso bought d same purse tp different kaler la kn...kaler dorg ijo n xhot cm myne la kn..hahahahh...den sdng aku bersuke rie bwk aku nyer purse ni..

den fren of mine, yent said...
'wohh beso ngat purse mu! kaler meroh! mcm purse slut je! seriau aku tgk!'
den madi...
'besaq nya ang punya purse..pencurik tgk takot nk rompak..!'
'eiishhh..xdak lg besaq ka? hahahaha..'

den i was lyke...sial dak2 ni kutok purse aku...
aku xsentap okeng! tp rs cm nk ketok2 je kapla dorg dgn purse ni..
dorg mmg suke tease aku cmtu..

so ur opinion..
4 real dis clutch is so so fuckin damn hawt or not?


  1. oh coz not!!!!!!!
    n never ever leave it with me again!!!!

  2. huhu yent dah fobia tue..n ko meilin jgn coba2 ketuk kita org ngan purse ko tue..mati katak kitarunk nnt...heheh n 1 more thngs whthr purse@clutch@dompet@kopet@handbag ada ktorunk kisah???kahkahkah...msti sentap nie huhuhu
